That's the operative question,can you? Well if you 'CAN' buy a hamburger at McDonald's then
you can also save money. All it simply involves is choice.
I remember being told by numerous people over the years, after me posing this question to them.
'I got kids', 'I don't get paid that much on my job', 'I'm on a fixed income', or just 'I got bills to pay'.
In ninety nine percent of these cases, the real truth is that, they just don't have the discipline.
In other words, they have not made it a necessary part of their everyday habits.
Just as eating is important to us, being healthy and enjoying the benefits of life, we must also
realize that our financial health is important as well.
The scripture in the Holy Bible says: 'To whom much is given, much is required, and to whom
little is given, little is required'. All this simply means is that if you have much, you save or put away
much. And if you have little, you save or put away little. It's not complicated at all.
If you want to protect yourself and family from future financial hardship, then you must have a plan.
Always remember that if you don't plan to succeed in life, then you have planed to fail.
One of my many mentors is Robert Kiyosaki (author of Rich Dad Poor Dad),and he has a very
good method of saving called the 3 piggy bank method. I have been using this for quite some time.
You don't have to have 3 piggy banks , just 3 containers that you can put money in, Label the containers as such: SAVINGS-INVESTMENT-CHARITY.
If you can, just start with one dollar a day in each one. If you can't do that, then fifty cents a day in
each one. If this is still unobtainable, then one dollar a week in each one. The amount does not
matter, it is the habit of saving that you want to establish.
There may indeed be some that can put more away, and if this is you then please do. Once the
containers get full, remove the money and put it in a locked box or safe, and start all over again
and you will be surprised how fast your wealth will grow.
If you want to know the purpose of each labeled container, please look for that post coming soon.
Enjoy your journey. -brother teacher